Višekruna: Vučić atentatom na mene u Mađarskoj i mojim uhićenjem želio pokazati bliskost sa Orbanom, što mu je propalo..


24.januara se u svim srpskim medijima pojavila stara vest, objavljena nekoliko meseci ranije, kako sam ja navodno napisao na Facebooku da je bliska saradnica predsednika Srbije gospodjica Irena Vujović kurva.

Razlog ponavljanja stare vesti o meni u svim srpskim medijima je bio priprema javnosti u Srbije za moje hapšenje u Madjarskoj koje je objavljeno u svim srpskim medijima 27. januara. Inaće svi srpski mediji su pod strogom kontrolom državne bezbednosti i Predsednika. Dakle sve je bila režija Predsednika Srbije , koji je unapred znao da ću biti napadnut 25 januara. Cilj napada na mene 25 januara je bio da ja sam prijavim sebe i pozovem madjarsku policiju zbog krađe mobilnog telefona, koja bi potom videla da sam ja na poternici Interpola Srbije.

Dakle Predsednik Srbije je preko državne bazbednosti režirao celu pozorišnu predstavu za javnost , a ja sumnjam da je organizator samog napada bio novi ambasador Srbije u Budimpesti Ivan Todorov, inače bivši zamenik direktora državne bezbednosti Srbije. (saljem vam moju sliku sa Todorovim nastalu 2014 godine u Srbiji). Ambasada Srbije u Budimpesti je odmah javila srpskim medijima da sam uhapšen i to je bila udarana vest u srpskim medijima 27 januara i do danas nisu objavili da sam pušten na slobodu odlukom mađarskog suda, jer su očekivali da ću biti sigurno isporučen Srbiji. Srpska vlast se obrukala pred sopstvenom javnosti.

Video o kojem pričam o kriminalu predsednika Srbije trenutno na youtubu ima preko 850 000 pregleda. Inače Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić je moj bivši prijatelj i saradnik, i ja sam autor knjige o njegovom kriminalu pod nazivom „Vučić i ja” koju promovišem po celoj Evropi. Vučiću je bilo bitno da budem uhapšen u Madjarskoj  kako bi pokazao demonstrantima i građanima u Srbiji da ima podršku Madjarske i EU, kako bi se demonstranti uplašili i prestali sa demonstracijama, jer čak i EU hapsi protivnike režima i novinare (već 10 godina pišem za magazin Tabloid iz Beograda)  .

Izvoran tekst Đorđa Višekrune



The motive and political background of the attack on me as a journalist and a critic of the government :
A proof that the Serbian government knew about my arrest before it actually happened:
On the 24. of January in most of the Serbian media, an old news was published, one that was already online a few months ago, about my alleged facebook writings about a close associate of the president Serbia, Irena Vujovic, in which I am calling her a prostitute.
The reason the news was repeated is a preparation of the publuc for my arrest in Hungary about all of the Serbian media wrote on January 27.
All of the Serbian media are under control of the President and of the National Security Agency.
It was all dirercted by the President which knew in advance that I will be attacked on the 25. of January.
The motive of attack was to place me behind bars based on the Interpol warrant once I call the police and inform them of the theft of my phone and my whereabouts.

So the whole event was a theatrical play for the public in Serbia orchestrated by the President and I suspect that the logistical and organizational support came from the Serbian Embassy in Hungary and the ambassador, Ivan Todorov, who was a previously second on charge of the National Security Agency. (I sent you my picture with him made in 2014 in Serbia).
The Serbian embassy im Budapest informed the Serbian media of my arrest which was published on the front end portals and printed medias on the 27th of January and still as of today they have not published anything about my release which was ruled by the Hungarian court since the government expected my fast deportation to Serbia. Serbian government embarrassed itself in front of its own population.A video of my talk about the crime of the President of Serbia now has over 850 000 views on Youtube. Otherwise, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic was my former friend and associate, and I am the author of a book about his crime called “Vucic and I” which I promoted throughout Europe. For Vucic it was important that I get arrested in Hungary to show the protesters and citizens in Serbia that he has the support of Hungary and of the EU in general. After the arrest, the protesters should have gotten scared and should have stopped the demonstration because that would show that even the EU is willing to arrest political opponents of the regime and journalists .

Đorđe Višekruna